The Magic of Energetic Transformational Healing
By integrating both traditional and esoteric healing modalities a unique multi-sensory healing experience unfolds.
Traditional Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a 2,000-year-old medicine that uses tiny stainless-steel needles to improve the overall flow of the body’s energy. The guiding principle is to restore balance in the body using the body’s meridian system, which are pathways found throughout the body. Specific acupuncture points can treat and prevent disease, balance mood, and improve overall wellness.
Cupping & Gua Sha is the modality that places suction cups on the skin to increase blood flow and help with muscular tension and pain. Gua Sha is the practice of creating friction over the skin to open up meridians and relieve tension and encourage blood flow. Muscle tension, asthma , cold congestion and chronic pain are symptoms that both these modality treat.
Energic work is always present during my sessions. The use of sound bowls, crystal therapy and tuning forks is sprinkled in. The use of these tools emphasizes the interconnectedness of the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of the body and seek to promote healing and transformation on all levels.
Herbal Medicine utilizes the therapeutic properties of plants to prevent and treat a wide range of health conditions, from common colds to chronic diseases.
Acupuncture is an effective and safe treatment option for treating any hormonal imbalance that can lead to a variety of women’s health issues: irregular menstrual cycles, endometriosis, fertility issues and pregnancy support to name a few.
Acupuncture can help alleviate chronic or acute muscle or joint pain by reducing inflammation and promoting blood flow and circulation to areas of the body that are in discomfort.
Acupuncture can aid and alleviate digestive issues such as bloating, constipation , SIBO , Chrone’s disease by stimulating the body’s innate healing response and reducing inflammation.
Acupuncture can reduce stress and anxiety by relaxing the central nervous system and regulating cortisol levels. Emotional imbalances can also be treated with Esoteric Acupuncture which works with the chakra system and sacred geometry.
Esoteric Acupuncture
Esoteric acupuncture is the practice of balancing and clearing energy through the body's spin points (chakras) using sacred geometric patterns and specific needling sequences. The treatments also center on guided visualizations to encourage deep meditations while the needle sequences are in place. Esoteric acupuncture can be utilized in the same way that most expanded healing modalities are, such as energy work, reiki or sound healing.
A balanced chakra or spin centers is a vital part of maintaining a high vibrational state. When our centers are out of balance we can experience physical or emotional dis-ease. The use of crystal healing and pendulums are tools used in a session to aid in the alignment of these powerful centers.
When one is experiencing a chakra imbalance it can be akin to psycho-emotional issues such as anxiety, stress, depression or deep rooted fear. Chronic pain can be also associated with an imbalance in the energetic field. All systems—hormonal, circulatory, musculoskeletal, emotional, etc—in your body hold an energetic frequency that matches a spin center, also known as a chakra.
Sound healing is the use of tuning forks and sound bowls to enable the body to resonate with higher frequencies that enable balanced physiological states.