Unlock your
Unrealized Potential
A Hand Analysis reading serves as a blueprint of who you are and what you are exploring in this lifetime. Everything from your emotional health, personality patterns, overall tendencies to your unique life purpose is illuminated.
In contrast to palmistry, which is an ancient divinatory practice aimed at foretelling the future, hand analysis uncovers the intricate interplay between an individual's personality strengths and their deeper psyche through a comprehensive examination of the unique shape of their hands, line formations, and fingerprints
What is Hand Analysis?
Why get a reading?
Hand Analysis is an available tool that allows a deeper understanding of our psychology; our thinking, emotive styles and how we relate to our community. The fingerprints give us a tool to see unrealized potentials in ourselves.
Hand analysis can be used if you are seeking clarity in your life. Perhaps there is confusion on career, or perhaps you’ve always felt like you wanted to be a writer but unsure how that could look in your life. Hand analysis allows us to dive deep into our innate abilities or gifts that perhaps we aren’t aware of.
What to expect?
During a reading there are many aspects that go into developing a full picture. The hand shape ( fire, earth, air, water), the finger lengths, the line qualities and lengths, and the fingertip formations.
Two distinct "maps" emerge from these qualities: palm formations reveal our personality construct, while fingertip formations delve into our individual core nature and desire for meaning, known as soul psychology.